
Blepharitis is a common condition that inflames the eyelids, causing redness, swelling, styes, cysts, and flaky crusts along the lash line. 


  •  Make your eyes feel scratchy, 

  • Red swollen, tender, and irritated eyelids. 


  •  Various types of bacteria (may be chronic or acute). 

  •  People with skin conditions like rosacea, acne, or eczema are more likely to experience flare-ups. 

  • Demodex Blepharitis 

Types of Blepharitis: 

There are two main types: anterior and posterior blepharitis,  

  • Anterior Blepharitis: affects the outside of the eyelid and causes redness and crust near the eyelashes. 

  • Posterior blepharitis: affects the inside of the eyelid and is related to issues with the meibomian glands.  

Both types need treatment to improve appearance and comfort. 


We offer a range of treatment options for blepharitis.  

  • Over-the-counter solutions: designed to cleanse and enhance eyelid hygiene (Mybo Clean and Ocusoft products).  

  • In-office treatments: we provide in-office treatment to gently remove buildup around the eyelashes (Blephex).  

  • Prescription eye drops or ointments may be recommended. 

If you have any questions or need further information, please consult your eye doctor during your exam. 

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